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ADLER Real Estate AG: ADLER Real Estate AG Sells Property in Saarbrücken

ADLER Real Estate AG / Miscellaneous01.12.2009 Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted byDGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------ADLER Real Estate AG Sells Property in Saarbrücken- Transaction will generate between two and three million Euros in cashHamburg, 1 December 2009. ADLER Real Estate AG (ISIN DE0005008007),Frankfurt, has sold its Hafenstraße property in downtown Saarbrückeneffective 31 December 2009 to a Saarland state pension fund. The site,around 4,300 square meters in area, was originally slated for developmentas a hotel and office building, but the company decided to sell the projectas part of its change of strategy. This transaction, which will have only aminor impact on ADLER's 2009 earnings, will generate a cash flow of betweentwo and three million Euros for the company.The Management BoardIf you have any questions, please contact:german communications dbk agJörg BretschneiderAlsterufer 34, 20354 HamburgPhone: 040/46 88 33 0, Fax: 040/47 81 80presse@german-communications.com01.12.2009  Financial News distributed by DGAP. Media archive at and Language:     EnglishCompany:      ADLER Real Estate AG              Neuer Wall 77              20354 Hamburg              DeutschlandPhone:        +49 (0)40 - 29 8130-0Fax:          +49 (0)40 - 29 8130-35E-mail:       info@adler-ag.deInternet:     www.adler-ag.deISIN:         DE0005008007WKN:          500800Listed:       Regulierter Markt in Berlin, Frankfurt (General Standard),              Düsseldorf, München; Freiverkehr in Hamburg End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------