Our channels for whistleblower

Dear contractors,

Our Code of Conduct and our policies are intended to help us act fairly and in accordance with the rules in our day-to-day work. As a company, we are committed to integrity and transparency. Legal requirements must also be complied with in order to live up to the trust placed in us by our employees and contractual partners. 

Therefore, it is an essential concern of the management that both company employees and external parties can provide information on suspected irregularities or potential violations without hesitation. 

In this context, it is crucial that whistleblowers are protected from reprisals - i.e. pressure or retaliation - if they report potential violations or abuses in good faith. 

What opportunities do you have to provide information to the Adler Group?

The Adler Group has whistleblowing channels through which you can submit anonymous information at any time on matters that you believe could constitute potential violations of legal requirements or Adler Group S. A. policies: 

The 'Integrity Line' electronic whistleblowing system

Our electronic whistleblowing system can be accessed at 


Here, possible tips for all group companies of the Adler Group and the Consus Group can be submitted completely anonymously. You alone decide whether and for how long you wish to remain anonymous. The external service provider EQS also has no technical means of accessing your data. 

Only employees of the Compliance Department have access to the information received by the Integrity Line: 

Our external lawyer of confidence 

In the event of suspicion of corruption, white-collar crime and other violations of laws and regulations, Dr. Rainer Frank, as our external lawyer of trust (also known as the 'ombudsperson'), receives information about criminal offences or administrative offences and other violations of laws and regulations. He and all employees of the law firm FS-PP Berlin are bound to professional secrecy. Here, too, your anonymity is guaranteed. 

This is how you can reach our lawyer of confidence: 

•    By telephone: 030 318685-933
•    By e-mail: vertrauensanwalt-adler-group@fs-pp.de or vertrauensanwalt-consus@fs-pp.de
•    About the homepage: www.fs-pp.de

There, in the footer (at the end of the homepage), you will find the subpages of the Adler Group or Consus.

External reporting office 

When the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) comes into force in July 2023, whistleblowers will also have the option of contacting an external reporting office. This is located at the Federal Office of Justice and can be reached at

The external reporting office is responsible for information on violations of the law as specified in the Whistleblower Protection Act. The legal protection of whistleblowers as defined by the Whistleblower Protection Act also only applies to information on violations of the law as specified in the Whistleblower Protection Act. 

We take your comments seriously and check them in due time. We therefore appeal to you to use the Adler Group channels first. 

The whistleblowing channels are not to be used to discriminate against others. They are also not to be used as general complaint channels for employees, contractors, tenants or prospective tenants. False accusations against our better judgement will not be tolerated. Let us treat each other with trust and respect!

The Senior Management

Thierry Beaudemoulin        
Sven-Christian Frank        
Thomas Echelmeyer      
Hubertus Kobe