Adler Group considers diversity in the workforce to be a strength and, therefore, a matter of course. Equal opportunity, tolerance, equal and fair treatment of all employees, and appreciation of different ways of thinking, assessments, and evaluations are inextricably linked to this. The guiding principle is equality for all employees in terms of gender, age, sexual orientation and identity, race, nationality, ethnic origin, or world view.
Adler Group employs people of 36 different nationalities with different educational qualifications and different backgrounds. Open, respectful, intercultural communication promotes mutual understanding and helps to avoid diversity-specific barriers in professional development. The Adler Group's talent management programme also takes diversity criteria into account when selecting potential candidates, thus promoting diversity in the Company at all levels. Diversity in the workplace is reflected in numerous key figures (see chart below). Every day, the Group benefits from the broad spectrum of experiences, backgrounds, approaches, and ways of thinking that stem from the social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds of its employees.
Adler Group signed the Diversity Charter already in 2022, a voluntary commitment launched by German companies and institutions to promote a work environment without prejudice. Its signatories are committed to creating and promoting equal opportunities for all employees in their company. At Adler Group, diversity is structurally and organisationally anchored in the “Diversity & Inclusion” working group, which also includes representatives of Senior Management. An equal opportunity commissioner has been named whose duty is to safeguard a non-discriminatory working environment. Adler Group has standardised, documented, and published its general principles and beliefs that guide any diversity endeavour in the Company.