Climate neutrality
Adler Group has set itself the objective of halving CO2 emissions in its existing portfolio by 2030 (compared to 2020). This is in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the requirements of the German Federal Climate Change Act (Klimaschutzgesetz, KSG). Adler Group confirms this objective, even though the corresponding investment measures were largely put on hold since 2022. New construction as well as refurbishments to promote energy-efficiency continue to be certified according to recognised standards such as DGNB/LEED®/BREEAM and should achieve at least the DGNB standards “Gold” or “Very Good”. Construction of new buildings is planned and carried out under the aspect of climate neutrality.
Employee satisfaction
Adler Group measures employee satisfaction by way of a survey that is conducted annually. The objective is to have at least 70% of all employees complete this survey a target which was not yet reached in 2023. Employee satisfaction though exceeded the previous year’s result showing that the employees of Adler Group recognise the efforts geared to increasing transparency, maintaining diversity, improving monetary and non-monetary benefits and providing more opportunities for personnel development.
Tenant satisfaction
Adler Group intends to regularly conduct tenant surveys to find out their level of satisfaction and also to collect suggestions concerning potential improvements of the communal environment or Adler Group's services. Such a survey had been planned for 2023. However, due to the massive portfolio adjustments it was postponed until there is more clarity concerning which parts of the portfolio were to be held long term. In the meantime, Adler Group is using the fluctuation rate as an indicator for tenant satisfaction which decreased in 2023 indicating stable or even increasing tenant satisfaction. Experience shows that availability is a crucial factor for tenant satisfaction. In order to reach the highest possible level, Adler Group has ensured 24h availability with the support of an external call centre service provider.
Community involvement
Adler Group actively participates in associations, promote dialogue with institutions and cities and is involved in social projects in and around the relevant neighbourhoods and properties.
Corporate Governance/Compliance
The purpose of corporate governance is to facilitate effective and responsible management of the Company. Adler Group follows the German Corporate Governance Code, has issued various guidelines and formed a compliance organisation to ensure adherence to the regulations. In 2022, the Group commissioned an external service provider to review the maturity level of the Compliance Management System. The resulting recommendations have meanwhile been analysed and their processing has begun.