Membership and Participation

in Organizations

While networking and dialogue may promote sustainable action, they certainly create a sense of participation in joint efforts to do something about climate change or pursuing non-financial goals. The Adler Group therefore finds it worthwhile to be a member of organisations dedicated to a wide range of sustainability aspects.

The Global Compact

Adler Group is committed to the principles of the “Global Compact”, an initiative of the United Nations to promote corporate responsibility and improvement in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Adler Group has joined the UN Global Compact initiative in June 2021. The network of the United Nations and corporates is committed to a more social and environmentally friendly approach to globalisation. By taking these issues into account, corporates are also contributing towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.


Adler Group is a member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), an association that promotes sustainable building and neighbourhoods offering a good quality of life, and thus an environment that allows for a sustainable future. DGNB strives to transform the construction and real estate market towards an appropriate understanding of quality as the basis for responsible and sustainable action. The association is the largest network for sustainable construction in Europe with more than 1,300 members. Keeping these objectives in mind, Adler Group assesses all new buildings accordingly. As a general rule, all newly constructed buildings are to comply with the high “DGNB Gold Standard” or another comparable sustainability standard.

German Property Federation (ZIA)

The ZIA Central Real Estate Committee represents the interests of the entire real estate industry in terms of regulatory and economic policy. It promotes and supports appropriate measures to maintain and improve the economic, legal, fiscal and political environment of the real estate industry.

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) energy efficiency network for housing association energy management companies

The Efficiency Network is an agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and German industry associations and organizations on the introduction of such networks.

Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry (ICG)

The ICG is the real estate industry's leading think and do tank for good governance. Since 2002, the ICG Institute has been committed to "Good Governance".

German Institute for Compliance (DICO)

Since its founding in 2012, the German Institute for Compliance (Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V.) and its approximately 600 members - mostly companies - have pursued the goal of setting and further developing standards for compliance practice.

buildingSMART Germany Association

buildingSMART is the competence network for Open-BIM and the digitalisation of the construction and real estate industry.

German Lean-Construction-Institute GLCI)

The GLCI is a driver for the transformation of the construction and real estate industry toward greater user-centeredness, efficiency, and resource conservation in the design, construction, and operation of buildings.

Diversity Charter

The Diversity Charter advances the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the world of work.